My thoughts on undergraduate in aerospace at PEC

I went to undergraduate in Punjab Eng. College Chandigarh that has a rich history of aerospace eng. The syllabus/curriculam in 2023 still looks relevant and not very different from what I studied from 2005-2008. Main issue is that they cover a lot of topics theoretically but to have a good understanding, you need to be good at problem solving. I am not sure if they are still focussing on that. If they are teaching theory, then one would have to work very hard to convert those concepts from theory to real problems.

Three faculty members are from my time and they are not good at all. One of them has artificial neural network listed in his research specialities. (GO FIGURE :)). The new ones look good on paper. You have to inquire from the present batch on their quality of teaching.

All in all my recommendation is that one will have to stay highly disciplined and work on their own to get ahead because many things look the same from my time and that is not a good sign.

I had a difficult time when I did graduate school in the US because my undergraduate faculty didn’t focus too much on solving actual problems during coursework. It was very theoretical. If you work hard in undergraduate, it really helps in due course when you start a job or pursue advanced degrees.

The only saving grace of my undergraduate years was that the lower amount of homeworks led to spending a lot more time in working on college applications.