Setting Up Sav Growth Model
Setting up a BGCM + SAV growth model involves many steps. So here are notes to setup the case and do read the summary of notes in the end. I will keep refining these notes.
Initial file
SAV growth model, these are initialized using standard values following empirical relations (no need for source data)
- Plant density, diameter, thickness, height
- Dinsed
More inputs for Biogeochem model->
- LdetritusC - Large fraction carbon detritus concentration
- LdetritusN
- NH4
- NO3
- SdetritusC - Small fraction carbon detritus concentration
- SdetritusN
- TIC - Total inorganic Carbon
- Talk - Total alkanity
- Chlorophyll
- Oxygen
- Phytoplankton
- Zooplankton
- salt
- temp
Boundary forcing It could be any direction. North, South, West, East
- temperature
- salinity
- Oxygen
Climatological Boundary forcing
- Uwind
- Vwind
- Pair
- Tair
- Qair
- rain
- Swrad
- Lwrad
- cloud
River forcing (if any) In West Falmouth Harbor Additional bc forcing came from river inputs In West Falmouth setup, only NO3 was non-zero
- temperature
- salt
- nutrient
- NO3
- NH4
- Detritus
- SDeN
- SDeC
- Alkanity
- Oxygen
Analytical inputs Other inputs and notes (Not to add confusion) ana_biology.h ana_clouds.h ana_tobc.h -> Had oxygen temperture and salt coming from western bc. dont know why it was not done in bc file. Taran notes: I think I am going to keep them same as WFH
ana_srflx- solar shortwave radiation- In idealized case, I have an input in ana file but in WFH I don’t. Because I think WFH already has a bulk forcing file that contains the inputs to get srflx within the model Taran notes: May be not do it for CH Bay
**Taran summary notes**: For initial conditions: I don’t know how one can get all of the initial tracers. Some inputs are almost constant in WFH so can assume no geospatial variation Below are inputs that had REAL geospatial variation in initial file for WFH On the other hand none of these inputs were specified in the idealized case. So biology model works without all this too.
- LdetritusC - Large fraction carbon detritus concentration
- LdetritusN
- NH4
- NO3
- Cholorphyll
- Oxygen
- phytoplankton
- Zooplankton
For boundary condition: only temp, salt, oxygen, and climatology is required –> In WFH NO3 was input